NInja Assasin, Bikin Disonansi


I just screamed when I saw the first scene of this movie, sambil tutup mata.

Belum lihat trailer-nya, tapi yang pasti ada Rain. Itu motivasi awal nonton film ini. Tak disangka, tak dinyana, film-nya "horor". Full of blood. Bukan cuma cipratan, tapi muncratan, bahkan semburan darah ada di film ini. Di sekuen awal, gue cuma bisa tutup mata aja. Badan terasa ngilu dan lemes karena meski tutup mata, suaranya tetep kedengeran. Dari suara juga udah bisa kebayang adegannya kayak gimana.

"But I come to watch, not to hear", I said to my self.

'Almost No Trash' Street

Look at those pictures!
Almost no trash can be found.

In your point of view, why this street is clean?
(Menurutmu, mengapa jalanan ini bersih?)

I’m waiting for your response.
Thanks b4!
To be continued…

Never Ending Story

Who says the story at elementary school finish when we graduate and use new uniform?

In fact, even we may be apart with our schoolmate, the memories still live. Maybe we still remember our first day in elementary school, our first teacher, our first chairmate, and maybe our first puppy love (Ehm…).

The Unforgettable 2008

Welcome to 2009 (agak telat, sih…)
Before I start this year with new resolution, I’d like to talk about the unforgettable moment in 2008. I think 2008 is one of the important years in my life. There are some events influencing my life on that year.

• First, January 21st, I finally fixed the topic for my undergraduate thesis; “The teenager experience as junior wife (A Phenomenological study)”. A big curiosity brought me to the topic then it became a power for me to finish it.

• March - July: joining the pilot study team for UI’s project.It’s my first research for non academic purpose.

• March 7th, my friends and I did culinary travel @ Bogor City. Hmm… yummy, funny, and cheap. Let’s do it again next time :)!

• May 15th, Alhamdulillah I could finish my undergraduate thesis. I thought it would be the hardest assignment during my study in collage. But I was wrong. I love the topic. I got friendly respondent and great lecturer. I had big supports from my family and friends. Last but not least, my lovely library with complete facilitates (books, journals, internet). Those made my last assignment could be done on time. Thanks Allah, thanks all!